by Ken Rolheiser
What is your to be or dreaming with God’s Love

There is a definition of spirituality that talks of our engagement with transcendence. We take that encounter, that spiritual essence, with us as we learn to live and understand life on the material and physical plain.

The one who believes, who lives life in faith, has the opportunity to be transformed and to experience life with hope and ultimately, gratitude. Jesus came to give us life in greater abundance. (John 10:10).

And to those who are suffering and poor in their state of life, Jesus says, “I have come to bring the good news to the poor… and to set the oppressed free.” (Luke 4:18).

I was watching the 2020 World Junior Hockey game between Canada and Germany. At some point it became painful to watch as the 16 to 2 score unfolded. I fast-forwarded the action, making it a point to watch the last two minutes. The German team scored their second goal and displayed the courage I had anticipated.

About dreaming, Pope Francis addressed children and immigrant families in East Harlem September 25, 2015 – “Keep smiling and help bring joy to everyone you meet. It isn’t always easy. Every home has its problems, difficult situations, sickness, but never stop dreaming so you can be happy.”

We all have dreams, our anticipation of what we are to become. You have a right to dream, Pope Francis said. “Wherever there are dreams, wherever there is joy, Jesus is present. Always.” Joy seems to be the segue that joins all our Christian actions and motivations. (from “Dreaming and loving and family and God”).

Let me share a true story from Homilies for Everyday Life by Father Rudolph Novecosky. “A young woman had been poor all her life. One day she met the man of her dreams. He was wealthy and wonderful, and they married and lived in the suburbs. Then tragedy struck. She was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

“She felt that God had withdrawn his love, so she struggled out of bed and headed for the chapel. As she made her painful journey she plotted, ‘O God, you are a fraud, a real phoney. You’ve been passing yourself off as love for 2000 years. Every time someone finds a little happiness, you pull the rug out from under their feet. I see through you.’

“Near the chapel entrance she fell. Scarcely being able to raise her eyes, she read on the steps of the sanctuary: YOU ARE MY BELOVED.”

“She put her head on her arms and listened. Deep within her she heard, ‘You are my beloved.’ She went back to her room and fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.”

If we walk with God in our lives, we will find gratitude. We will be a match for the darkness around us. “There never was a problem that could defeat sunrise or Christmas.” (from The Christmas Train 2017).

Hope is the antidote to sadness. You cannot be sad if you are grateful. Christ came into our world to bring us hope, to dispel the darkness of sin and even death. Gratitude is ours whether we are in sickness or health, in poverty or wealth.

We live on and we dream on! “Every person’s life is a fairy tale written by God’s finger.” Hans Christian Anderson.

“There is no place where God is not.” Mayo Angelou. As the saying in Carl Jung’s house puts it: “Invited or not, God is present.” 

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